Privacy Policy

  • Your privacy matters!

    As part of accessing Empowered Minds, Wellness Consultancy we are required to store your personal and confidential information. We will store this information on a secure database, via Halaxy. You can read about Halaxy’s security features here. In providing your personal information to us, you consent to the collection, use, storage and disclosure of that information as described in this Privacy Policy.

    • Personal information can include but is not limited to: your full name, date of birth, home address, contact details including email address, and phone number, medicare number and credit card details. This information will be collected at client registration and will only be added onto to our data base once you have completed applicable consent forms.

    • Throughout your duration of care with Empowered Minds, Wellness Consultancy progress notes will be completed by the therapist – this will be after each contact and will briefly summarise the contact or intervention you were provided.

    Empowered Minds, Wellness Consultancy will store your information* on our database for a period of 7 years. Your information will always remain confidential and private unless under the following circumstances:

    *this does not include your payment information details including your credit card.

    • You disclose information that indicates that you or another person are at risk or reasonable risk of; harm, abuse or neglect. Our therapist as part of duty of care will have to disclose this information with the appropriate authorities including a parent, legal guardian, emergency contact, GP and/or other welfare services.

    • You disclose information regarding a crime being committed. Our therapist as part of duty of care will have to disclose this information with the appropriate authorities.

    • The practice and/or our therapist has been subpoenaed and information must legally be shared.

    • You have provided the therapist with written consent to share your information with other persons or organizations.

    • If you are accessing Empowered Minds, Wellness Consultancy through a General Practitioner Mental Health Care Plan, the therapist is required under Medicare to provide your General Practitioner information including the number of sessions you have attended, the progress you have been making in therapy, risk concerns and continuity of care plans in a letter.